
Student Loans & Financial Aid:

Hillman (2016). Designing and assessing risk-sharing models for higher education. WISCAPE.

Hillman, Bruecker, & Crespin-Trujillo (2016). FAFSA Filing Rates in Wisconsin. WISCAPE.

Hillman (2015). Borrowing and repaying student loans. Journal of Student Financial Aid.

Hillman, George-Jackson, & Gast (2015). When to begin? Socioeconomic and racial/ethnic differences in financial planning, preparing, and saving for college. Teachers College Record.

Jaquette & Hillman (2015). Paying for default: Change over time in the share of federal financial aid sent to institutions with high student loan default rates. Journal of Student Financial Aid.

Campbell & Hillman (2015). A closer look at the trillion: Borrowing, repayment, and default at Iowa’s community colleges. Association of Community College Trustees.

Hillman (2015). Cohort default rates: Predicting the probability of federal sanctions. Educational Policy.

Hillman (2014). Reforming repayment: using income-related loans to reduce default. Reinventing Financial Aid: Charting a New Course to College Affordability.

Hillman (2014). College on credit: A multilevel analysis of student loan default. Review of Higher Education.

Hillman (2014). Designing better ways to regulate colleges with too many students who default on federal loans. Scholars Strategy Network.

Hillman (2014). College ratings: What lessons can we learn from other sectors? National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment.

Hillman & Gross (2014). Can income-driven repayment policies be efficient, effective, and equitable? Lumina Foundation.

Hillman, Weichman, Gross, & Berry (2013). A primer on income-related student loan repayment in the United States. WISCAPE.

Hillman & Orians (2013). Financial aid’s role in meeting state college completion goals. Education Finance and Policy.

Hillman (2013). Economic diversity in elite higher education: Do no-loan programs impact Pell enrollment? Journal of Higher Education.

Hillman (2012). Economic diversity among selective colleges: Measuring the enrollment impact of “no-loan” programs. Institute for Higher Education Policy.

Hillman (2012). Tuition discounting for revenue management. Research in Higher Education.

Hillman (2011). The ethical dimensions of awarding financial aid. Tertiary Education and Management.

Hillman (2010). Who benefits from tuition discounts at public universities? Journal of Student Financial Aid.

Gross, Cekic, Hossler, & Hillman (2009). What matters in student loan default: A review of the research literature. Journal of Student Financial Aid.

Performance-Based Funding & State Finance:

Bell, Fryar, Hillman, & Tandberg (2017). When intuition misfires: A meta-analysis of research on performance based funding in higher education. Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability.

Hillman (2016). Why performance-based college funding doesn’t work. The Century Foundation.

Hillman, Tandberg, & Fryar (2015). Evaluating the impacts of “new” performance funding in higher education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

Hillman, Tandberg, & Gross (2014). Performance funding in higher education: Do financial incentives impact college completions? Journal of Higher Education.

Tandberg & Hillman (2014). State higher education performance funding: Data, outcomes, and policy implications. Journal of Education Finance.

Tandberg, Hillman, & Barakat (2014). State higher education performance funding for community colleges: Diverse effects and policy implications. Teachers College Record.

McLendon, Tandberg, & Hillman (2014). Financing college opportunity: an analysis of factors influencing state spending on student aid and campus appropriations from 1990-2010. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Hillman, Tandberg, & Gross (2014). Market-based higher education: Does Colorado’s voucher model improve higher education access and efficiency? Research in Higher Education.

Hillman, Tandberg, & Gross (2014). The efficacy of vouchers in higher education: The case of Colorado. WISCAPE.

Tandberg & Hillman (2013). State performance funding for higher education: Silver bullet or red herring? WISCAPE.

Toutkoushian & Hillman (2012). The impact of state appropriations and grants on access to higher education and outmigration. Review of Higher Education.

Geography of College Opportunity:

Hillman (2017). Geospatial analysis in higher education research. In M. Paulsen (Ed.) Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. Vol. 32.

Hillman (2016). Geography of college opportunity: The case of education deserts. American Educational Research Journal.

Hillman & Weichman (2016). Education deserts: The continued significance of “place” in the twenty-first century. American Council on Education.

Sponsler & Hillman (2016). Where you live rather than what you know? The problem with education deserts. Brookings Institution.

Hillman (2014). Differential impacts of college ratings: The case of education deserts. Civil Rights Project.

Hillman & Orians (2013). Community colleges and labor market conditions: How does enrollment demand change relative to local unemployment rates? Research in Higher Education.