quests, quests, quests


As a designer, I would love to build up game-based assessments to help learners repeat once and again to retain their memories of the essential Mandarin concepts they acquired through the whole module. 身為一個設計者,我很樂意建立以電腦遊戲為基礎的測驗來幫助學習者反覆練習來強化他們從這個課程中吸收到的重要中文知識。

However, some of the games in the following page were not made by me. These game-based evaluation could be helpful in the language acquisition process, and I wish I could develop more interactive Flash games and expand the links with my games in the near future. 然而,下一頁中的遊戲並不都是我自己做的。這些以遊戲為基礎的評量對語言學習可能有不少幫助。我希望在不久的將來,我個人能夠研發出更多互動式的網頁遊戲,並添加到本網站的連結之中。


serious games

“Games are goal-directed learning spaces.”

~James Gee, ASU