This course is intended to introduce students to the field of Kinesiology and the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Introductory material about physical activity and health will be provided, and departmental faculty and invited speakers will discuss their areas of expertise. In addition, career opportunities in Kinesiology will be discussed. While there is an initial assigment associated with Module #1, the gathering of information regarding careers will cover the entire semester.
Please refer once more to the course objectives.
Required Reading:
Read chapters 1 - 4 in your textbook
Web Activities:
Explore how Kinesiology is defined
What is happening in Kinesiology?
- Videos of presentations at previous NAK conferences are available for public viewing at this site. Choose 2 or 3 of the presentations whose titles interest you and watch them to get a sense for the current thinking in the field of Kinesiology.
What are the disciplines in Kinesiology at UW Madison?
- Visit the Research page on the Dept. of Kinesiology web site. Read the descriptions of the work done in each of the labs.
Show that you know this information by successfully passing exam #1
Answer these questions by completing the assignments this week:
- What is Kinesiology?
- Why is Kinesiology important to society?
- What are the major disciplines of study within Kinesiology at UW-Madison?
- Explain the importance of physical activity/movement in daily life
- Why are you taking this class?
- What influenced your interest in Kinesiology?
- What skills, values, goals and special skills do I possess?
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