Exercise therapists design and implement movement experiences to restore or improve motor function to a level that enables people to reach personal or career goals unencumbered by physical limitations. Reaching these goals requires knowledge of human anatomy, human physiology, exercise physiology, and kinesiology in structured activity programs. To develop therapeutic goals, clinicians must call on their knowledge of the effects of exercise on the muscular, nervous, skeletal, and cardiovascular systems and relate those effects to the patient’s needs. Depending on the patient, workplace, and conditions being treated, therapeutic goals may include restoring muscular function and strength, joint range of motion, proprioception, cardiovascular and pulmonary function, and metabolic function.
Much of the material provided in this module focuses on Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT). However student should pay close attention to the variety of professions outlinied in their chapter. Therpeutic exercise and therapeutic interventions are the purview of many professions beyond OT and PT (we explored one already in our module on Athletic Training). We focus on these based on student interest and their presence on our campus (two nationally regarded programs).
Required Reading:
Students must read Chapter 14 in their textbook
Students must read this overview handout on Occupational Therapy (OT)
Students must read this overivew of careers in Physical Therapy (PT)
Required Web Activities:
Explore OT and PT by viewing this presentation by professionals in each field.
Review career information from the American OT Assoc. website.
Visit the "Hear Their Stories" secion of the AOTA website. (NOTE: you will need this information for your Module Assignment.)
Watch the video You Can Be Me: A Career in Physical Therapy
Review the Steps for Starting Your Career in PT
Visit the UW-Madison OT Program Page and review the faculty profiles to see the kinds of research being done on our campus (Click on People>Graduate Faculty and also the Research tab)
Visit the UW-Madison PT Program Page to learn about research being done on our campus and to read on overview or the UW-Madison DPT program.
Show that you know this information by successfully passing exam #2
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to answer/address the following:
- Identify the nature and demands of the professions that focus on therapeutic exercise
- Identify the career options available in this field
- Define the qualifications associated with practicing in the professions discussed in the module.
Be sure you have read all the assigned material and reviewed the web resources for module before starting the assignment. Once you have completed the assignment, please submit to the designated drop box in Learn@UW.This assignment is due Thursday July 23rd.
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