- Increased retention rates and satisfaction among players, coaches, and officials
- Increased participation in coach, parent, and leadership education
- Increased number of inquiries from other organizations about “how you do things”
- Increased comments in the community about how classy, kid-friendly, and well-run the organization is.
Required Reading:
Chapter 16 in the textbook
Required Web Activities:
Explore the profession of coaching
Recognize the positive impact good coaching can have
Learn about Coaching for Mastery
Read about current research issues in this field
Listen to a professional in this field
Additional Study Resources: Visit the textbook web resources site and work on the activities provided for this chapter. These are VERY helpful tools to help prepare for your exam and assist in your understanding of the material.
- Identify the nature and demands of the coaching profession
- Identify the career options available in this field
- Define the qualifications associated with practicing coaches
This assignment is due Monday July 20th
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